Don’t Be Left without an Important Brand
Some store owners make the mistake of thinking that when a cigarette smoker walks into their store looking to buy a pack, they will always leave with one. The reality is that cigarette smokers are an incredibly discerning group, and when they walk into a store they are looking for their favorite brand, not simply cigarettes in general. If they walk into your store and find that you do not carry their brand, they will likely walk out without making a purchase. Not only that, but they will often immediately label that store as unreliable, and never return again, no matter what convenience store products they may be looking for the next time. Luckily for clients of LA Top Distributor, we offer all of the most popular brands of wholesale cigarettes, so you can stock up on every variety you need to ensure a sale never slips by you.
And, while many cigarette distributors can claim a similar variety, none can also match the affordable bulk prices provided by LA Top Distributor. Cigarette smokers are discerning not only when it comes to the brand of cigarettes they smoke, but also the prices of each pack. If a new customer walks into your store and not only sees that you have his brand, but that you also offer it at a price lower than competing stores, then you have just earned yourself a coveted repeat customer on the spot. By partnering with LA Top Distributor, you can begin capturing these repeat customers and start watching your profits rise.