Make Sure You Have Their Brand!
Convenience store owners know that everyone who comes into their store is different and is likely looking for something unique from the last customer. This doesn’t just mean that some people are looking for lighters, and others are looking for energy drinks. Many times, especially when it comes to cigarettes, people have very particular tastes when it comes to the brand of the same product. If a customer is walking into a new convenience store for the first time, and that store does not have their preferred brand of cigarette, then there is no way that they will come back as a repeat customer. Having their exact type of cigarettes when they come into your store for the first time makes them feel at home.
LA Top Distributor is one of the best convenience store distributors when it comes to selection, but value as well. While many wholesale cigarette tobacco suppliers are too quick to overcharge because they improperly assume that convenience store owners have the liberty of charging more themselves, LA Top Distributor works hard to keep prices low. This allows store owners to make a profit while still keeping their prices low and competitive. In some areas, there are so many convenience stores within walking distance of one another that being able to support your store while keeping prices lower than the competition is extremely important. Being a leader in c store wholesale requires that companies like LA Top Distributor keep their prices low, while at the same time offering the stellar customer service that store owners expect.