Wholesale Cigars and Much More from a Top C-Store Team
At LA Top Distributors, we’ve been in the business of providing convenience retailers with the sort of products consumers want to purchase – including the best quality brands of cigarette wholesale. Our top quality C-store supplies include American Spirit cigarettes, Benson & Hedges, GPC, Carnival, Dunhill, Camel, and many other cigarette brands that are known for their smooth flavor and top-quality craftsmanship.
Yet, our team at LA Top Distributors is also fully aware that smoking can be a controversial topic – a fact that we never shy away from. In fact, as one of the most conscientious distributors of wholesale cigarettes and cigars, we’re dedicated to making sure our partners feel comfortable selling their products responsibly and effectively.
We’re one of the West Coast’s top wholesale cigars distributors, and over the course of our illustrious career, we’ve learned that the convenience store, gas station, car wash and mini mart owners and managers who succeed are the ones that take an active interest in the success of their communities. This builds a loyal following, as parents and others come to realize that you’re providing a positive influence in the area – and they’ll reward this ethic with regular patronage.
It doesn’t take any extra effort to insist on identification for anyone purchasing cigarettes or cigars who appears under 30 years of age, or to keep these products behind the counter and out of reach of minors – yet the benefit these activities can provide is truly impressive. Whether you operate a freestanding convenience store, or any number of similar mini markets, you’ll benefit form a partnership with LA Top Distributors.
*All the Cigarettes from LA Top Distributors have the California Tax Stamps and are sold to California Customers only.